Friday, September 14, 2007

This Was New Jersey: As Seen by Photographer Harry C. Dorer

Harry C. Dorer roamed New Jersey for four decades from 1920 until 1954 with his boxy Speed Graphic camera, capturing for a weekly newspaper the images of what is now a vanished landscape. From the state's cities and villages to its rural areas to the then-mysterious Pine Barrens and the fishing fleets at the Jersey Shore, Dorer amassed hundreds of images that revealed the region's rapidly changing countryside, customs, and social dynamics.

Bringing together more than 300 of Dorer's photographs, this stunning collection is no ordinary look at New Jersey's past. Dorer's always incisive eye provides a visual record of the state's history that is unsettling, shocking, enchanting, and endearing. Above all, his photographs are a vivid reminder of how much the state has changed.


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